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General information

From May 25, 2018 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data (General Data Protection Regulation), adopted by the European Union, which has immediate effect in the Republic of Bulgaria, enters into force. The Regulation and the Personal Data Protection Act, which is in line with the European regulation, aim to ensure the protection of the data of natural persons from all member states of the European Union and to unify the regulations for their processing.

"Arteko Design" Ltd. is a personal data administrator within the meaning of the Personal Data Protection Act and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and in this capacity meets all regulatory requirements by only collecting personal data to the extent necessary for providing the service, and keeps them accountable and lawful.

Information about Arteco Design Ltd

Name: "Arteco Design" Ltd

EIK 204657013

Headquarters and management address: Bulgaria, Sofia, 2 Benyo Tsonev St

The company is managed and represented by Dimitar Vasilev

Phone: 0884505011

e-mail: [email protected]

Information about the competent supervisory authority

Name: Personal Data Protection Commission

Headquarters and management address: Sofia 1592, "Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov" No. 2

Correspondence details: Sofia 1592, "Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov" No. 2

Phone: 02 915 3 518

Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Website: www.cpdp.bg

Grounds for collecting, processing and storing your personal data

Art. 1. "Arteko Design" Ltd. collects and processes your personal data in connection with the conclusion of contracts with the company, as well as for commercial advertising, on the basis of Art. 6, para. 1 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, and more specifically on any of the following grounds:

a) Express consent received from you as a customer;

b) Fulfilling the obligations of "Arteco Design" OOD under the contract concluded with you;

c) Compliance with a legal obligation that applies to "Arteco Design" OOD;

d) For the purposes of the legitimate interest of "Arteco Design" OOD.

Objectives and principles in the collection, processing and storage of your personal data

Art. 2. (1) "Arteko Design" Ltd. collects, processes and stores the personal data that you provide us for the following purposes:

a) creating a profile and ensuring full functionality when providing our services;

b) individualization of a party to the contract;

c) accounting purposes;

d) fulfillment of legal obligations before state and municipal bodies and organizations;

e) possible legal disputes and cases in connection with the concluded contracts with customers, on the occasion of inspections by state and municipal authorities;

f) statistical purposes;

g) protection of information security;

h) conclusion, administration and execution of a contract;

i) sending information messages related to the conclusion and execution of a contract for the purchase and sale of goods;

j) sending an information bulletin (newsletter), messages about promotions, about games and raffles, commercial advertising messages, etc.

(2) "Arteco Design" Ltd. observes the following principles when processing your personal data:

a) legality, good faith and transparency;

b) limitation of processing purposes;

c) relevance to the purposes of the processing and minimization of the data collected;

d) accuracy and timeliness of the data;

e) limitation of storage in order to achieve the objectives;

f) integrity and confidentiality of processing and ensuring an appropriate level of security of personal data.

(3) When processing and storing personal data, "Arteco Design" Ltd. may process and store personal data in order to protect the following legitimate interests: fulfillment of its obligations to the National Revenue Agency, the Commission for the Protection of Personal Data, as well as to other state and municipal bodies.

Personal data collected, processed and stored by "Arteko Design" OOD

Art. 3. (1) Based on Art. 6, para. 1, b "b" of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 - to conclude and execute a contract to which you are a party, or to take actions on your part to conclude a contract, "Arteko Design" Ltd. performs the following operations with personal data for the following purposes:

a) Registration of a user on the website and conclusion of a contract for the purchase - sale of goods: the purpose of this operation is to create a profile through which you will be recognized and identified by "Arteko Design" OOD, as well as there will be no doubts about admitted errors in the first and every subsequent contract concluded between you and "Arteco Design" OOD.

b) Conclusion and execution of a contract for the purchase - sale of goods - the purpose of this operation is the conclusion and execution of a contract with you, its administration and ensuring its execution;

c) Sending information messages - the purpose of this activity is to administer the process of sending messages to customers, which refer to your registration as a user of the site, to the conclusion and execution of the contract for the purchase - sale of goods;

(2) For the activities under Art. 3, para. 1, items 1, 2 and 3, based on Art. 6, para. 1, b "b" of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 "Arteco Design" Ltd. collects, processes and stores personal data of consumers - buyers of goods, which are necessary to achieve the goal, namely for conclusion and execution of a contract for purchase - sale of goods. The contract between you and "Arteko Design" Ltd. is considered to be concluded upon your acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions (there should be an opportunity to access the General Terms and Conditions here). The personal data that are necessary for your registration on the site, for the conclusion, administration and execution of the contract for the purchase - sale of the relevant goods, and which you must provide, are: names; phone number; e-mail (electronic address); administrative address to which the goods will be delivered. The collected information about your personal data is used solely and exclusively for the purposes and execution of the contract for the purchase and sale of the goods ordered by the buyer.

(3) In order to browse the online store, you do not need to register or provide personal data;

(4) In order to receive an information bulletin (newsletter), commercial advertising, advertising messages, announcements about promotions, games and raffles from "Arteko Design" OOD to your e-mail or in another way, it is necessary on the basis of Art. 6, para. 1, b "a" of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 to give your express consent in the relevant form found on the site, namely by pressing the "I agree" button. You can withdraw at any time by pressing the "withdraw consent" button your consent to receive commercial advertising in the relevant form found on the site, and we will not send you advertising materials. To administer and send commercial advertising, it is necessary to provide us with the following personal data: names, telephone, e-mail (electronic address). The purpose of collecting, storing and processing your personal data is to provide you with information about goods on promotion, about new goods, about promotional campaigns, games, raffles and other advertising messages that will make it easier for you to choose the goods you want to buy from our online store. The collected information about your personal data is used solely and exclusively for the purposes of commercial advertising.

(5) In the event that you wish to be issued an invoice that reflects the data of an individual, you should provide the unique civil number of the individual. The basis on which "Arteco Design" Ltd. requires this data is Art. 6, para. 1, b "b" of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the provisions of the Accounting Act and other legal acts related to the issuance of invoices.

(6) "Arteco Design" Ltd. does not collect or process personal data related to the following:

a) reveal racial or ethnic origin;

b) reveal political, religious or philosophical beliefs, or membership in trade unions;

c) genetic and biometric data, health status data or data on sex life or sexual orientation.

(7) Personal data is collected by "Arteco Design" OOD from the persons to whom it relates.

(8) The company does not perform automated decision-making with data.

Period of storage of your personal data

Art. 4. (1) "Arteco Design" Ltd. stores your personal data for a period not longer than the existence of your profile on the website. After the expiration of this period, "Arteco Design" Ltd. promptly takes the necessary care to delete and destroy all your data, without unnecessary delay.

(2) "Arteko Design" Ltd. notifies you in the event that the data storage period needs to be extended in order to fulfill the objectives, fulfill the contract, in view of the legitimate interests of "Arteko Design" Ltd. or the presence of another circumstance.

(3) "Arteko Design" Ltd. stores the personal data that it is required to keep under the applicable legislation for the relevant stipulated period, which may exceed the period of existence of your registration.

Transmission of your personal data for processing

Art. 5. (1) "Arteco Design" Ltd. may, at its own discretion, transfer part or all of your personal data to entities processing personal data for the fulfillment of the purposes of processing in compliance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

(2) "Arteko Design" Ltd. notifies you in case of intention and/or need to transfer part or all of your personal data to third countries or international organizations.

Your rights in the collection, processing and storage of your personal data

Withdrawal of consent to the processing of your personal data

Art. 6. (1) In the event that you have provided your personal data on the basis of Art. 6, para. 1, b "a" of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, but you do not wish all or part of your personal data to continue to be processed by "Arteko Design" OOD for specific or all processing purposes, you can withdraw in at any time your consent by pressing the "withdraw consent" button or by a written request in free text sent to "Arteko Design" OOD at the above-mentioned addresses.

(2) "Arteco Design" OOD may request that you verify your identity and identity with the person to whom the data relates.

(3) With the withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data, which is mandatory for the creation and maintenance of your registration for using the services, your account will become inactive.

Right of access

Art. 7. (1) You have the right to request and receive from "Arteco Design" OOD confirmation as to whether personal data related to you is being processed.

(2) You have the right to access the data related to it, as well as the information related to the collection, processing and storage of your personal data.

(3) "Arteco Design" Ltd. provides you, upon request, a copy of the processed personal data related to you, in electronic or other suitable form.

(4) Providing access to the data is free of charge, but "Arteco Design" Ltd. reserves the right to impose an administrative fee in case of repetitive or excessive requests.

Right to rectification or completion

Art. 8. You can correct or complete inaccurate or incomplete personal data related to you directly through your profile on the website or by making a request to "Arteko Design" OOD.

Right to erasure ("to be forgotten")

Art. 9.(1) You have the right to request from "Arteko Design" OOD the deletion of your personal data, and "Arteko Design" OOD has the obligation to delete them without undue delay, when any of the following grounds are present:

a) the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;

b) You withdraw your consent on which the processing of the collected data is based and there is no other legal basis for the processing;

c) You object to the processing of your personal data, including for direct marketing purposes, and there are no overriding legal grounds for the processing;

d) the personal data were processed unlawfully;

e) personal data must be deleted in order to comply with a legal obligation under the law of the European Union or the law of a member state, which applies to "Arteco Design" OOD;

f) the personal data were collected in connection with the provision of information society services.

(2) "Arteco Design" Ltd. is not obliged to delete personal data if it stores and processes them:

a) to exercise the right to freedom of expression and the right to information;

b) to comply with a legal obligation that requires processing provided for in the law of the European Union or the law of the Member State that applies to the Administrator or for the performance of a task of public interest or in the exercise of official powers granted to him;

c) for reasons of public interest in the field of public health;

d) for the purposes of archiving in the public interest, for scientific or historical research or for statistical purposes;

e) for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

(3) In order to exercise your right to be "forgotten", you should submit a written request sent to "Arteko Design" OOD at the addresses indicated above, as well as certify your identity and identity with the person to whom they refer the data, including by providing a copy of your identity card for identification purposes and, where necessary, to provide the profile data of the data subject.

(4) "Arteko Design" Ltd. does not delete the data for which it has a legal obligation to store, including for defense on the occasion of legal claims made against it, for proving its rights, for legally regulated inspections by state and municipal authorities and organizations.

Right to limitation

Art. 10. You have the right to demand from "Arteco Design" OOD to limit the processing of your related data when:

a) dispute the accuracy of the personal data, for a period that allows "Arteco Design" OOD to verify the accuracy of the personal data;

b) the processing is illegal, but you do not want your personal data to be deleted, but only to have their use limited;

c) "Arteco Design" Ltd. no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of processing, but you require them to establish, exercise or defend your legal claims;

d) you have objected in accordance with the statutory procedure to the processing pending verification of whether the legal grounds of "Arteko Design" OOD take precedence over your interests.

Right of portability

Art. 11. (1) You can at any time download the data that is stored and processed for you in connection with the use of the services of "Arteko Design" OOD, directly through your profile or by e-mail request.

(2) You can request Arteco Design Ltd. to directly transfer your personal data to an administrator specified by you, when this is technically feasible.

Right to receive information

Art. 12. You can ask Arteco Design Ltd. to inform you about all recipients to whom the personal data for which correction, deletion or restriction of processing has been requested has been disclosed. "Arteco Design" OOD may refuse to provide this information if it would be impossible or require a disproportionately large effort.

Right to object

Art. 13. You can object at any time to the processing of personal data by "Arteco Design" OOD that relate to you, including if it is processed for the purposes of profiling or direct marketing.

Your rights in the event of a breach of the security of your personal data

Art. 14. (1) If "Arteco Design" OOD detects a violation of the security of your personal data, which may create a high risk for your rights and freedoms, we will notify you without undue delay about the violation, as well as about the measures that have been taken or are yet to be undertaken.

(2) "Arteco Design" Ltd. is not obliged to notify you if:

a) has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the data affected by the security breach;

b) has subsequently taken measures to ensure that the breach will not result in a high risk to your rights;

(c) notification would require a disproportionate effort.

Persons to whom your personal data is provided

Art. 15. (1) For the administration and execution of agreements concluded between you and "Arteko Design" Ltd. for the purchase - sale of goods, "Arteko Design" Ltd. transmits the necessary information to the relevant employee who is charged and responsible for carrying out the relevant actions, in order to fulfill the obligations under the contract, as well as transmits the necessary information to the relevant courier/courier company, who will carry out the delivery to the administrative address specified by you.

(2) For the administration and provision of commercial advertising, "Arteco Design" Ltd. transmits the necessary information to the relevant employee, who is charged with carrying out the relevant actions, so that the advertising materials reach you.

Art. 16. The administrator does not transfer your data to third countries.

Other provisions

Art. 17. In the event of a violation of your rights under the above or applicable personal data protection legislation, you have the right to file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Commission as follows:

Name: Personal Data Protection Commission

Headquarters and management address: Sofia 1592, "Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov" No. 2

Correspondence details: Sofia 1592, "Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov" No. 2

Phone: 02 915 3 518

Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Website: www.cpdp.bg

Art. 18. You can exercise all your rights regarding the protection of your personal in any form that contains a statement to that effect and identifies you as the owner of the data.

Art. 19. If the consent refers to a transfer, the Administrator describes the possible risks for the transfer of the data to third countries in the absence of a solution for adequate protection and suitable means of protection.

Art. 20 (1). When you entrust "Arteko Design" Ltd. to process personal data of a third party for the purposes of using a service, "Arteko Design" Ltd. acts as a processor of personal data.

(2). In the cases under Art. 20, para. 1, "Arteko Design" Ltd. acts solely on your instructions as a user of the service and only to the extent that it can have control over the personal data that you process and provide to us. "Arteco Design" Ltd. has no control over the content and data that you, as a user of the service, choose to upload to the service (including whether or not this data includes personal data). In this case, "Arteco Design" Ltd. has no role in the decision-making process of whether the user uses the service for processing personal data, for what purposes and whether they are protected. Accordingly, the liability of "Arteco Design" Ltd. in this case is limited to:

a) compliance with the instructions of the user of the service according to the contract and general conditions;

b) provision of information about the goods and promotions offered by "Arteco Design" Ltd.

Cookie Policy

Art. 21. The website of "Arteco Design" OOD uses cookies, which are important for its correct operation. By visiting our site, you accept the use of cookies.

Art. 22. Types of cookies we use:

Required cookies

These cookies are necessary for the correct operation of the website. For example, with these cookies we show you the information on our site in the correct language.

Analytical cookies

Thanks to these cookies, we monitor visits to our site and can analyze how easily our users work with it (Google Analytics cookies). These cookies do not give us any information about your personal data. They show us which pages of our site you have viewed, whether you visited our site via mobile or desktop device, and other anonymous data.

Functional cookies

These cookies allow you to use the full functionality of our site, to watch the videos on it, to write to us in the chat, as well as to remember the preferred language in which to load the information on our site.

Cookies for precision targeting

These cookies contain information about how you have used our site and may be triggered by our advertising partners. They do not store personal information. Thanks to them, you will not be shown information that is irrelevant to you. These are dynamic cookies of Facebook, Google, Adform, Adwise, etc.

Art. 23. You can set the cookies you receive from our site in the browser you use. Please note that if you restrict certain types of cookies, it is possible that our site does not work completely correctly and you may not be able to use its full functionalities.

Security measures regarding the security of personal data

Art. 24. (1) The hardware used for storage and processing of personal data meets modern requirements and allows guaranteeing a reasonable degree of fault resistance, options for archiving and restoring data and the working condition of the environment.

(2) If the computer equipment needs to be repaired, it shall be provided to the service organization without the devices on which personal data are stored.

Art. 25. (1) "Arteco Design" Ltd. uses only software with regulated copyrights. Installation and/or use of any other type of software with unsettled copyright is prohibited.

(2) When implementing a new software product for the processing of personal data, the capabilities of the product are tested and verified with a view to complying with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the Personal Data Protection Act, other legal acts, and ensuring the maximum protection of the data from unauthorized access, loss, damage or destruction.

Amendment and addition to the Privacy Policy and protection of personal data

Art. 26. The policy for confidentiality and protection of personal data, adopted by the General Meeting of the partners of "Arteco Design" OOD, may be amended and/or supplemented in order to bring it into line with the requirements of Bulgarian and European legislation. All amendments and additions to the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy will be announced on the website of "Arteco Design" OOD.

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